The brain as an organ produces thoughts in the same way that the thyroid gland produces hormones. Automated thought processes are merely accompanied by the ego. Man is constantly under the illusion that he controls his own thoughts. But then he would also have to be convinced that he can regulate his heart rate and hormone balance. As a pure thought structure, the ego merely observes and comments on automated processes in the brain. "Reality" - both in the overall philosophical or colloquial context - is an illusion. What creates suffering in the first place is the illusion of one's own thoughts.
In the course of evolution, a virtual world has been created in which there is a virtual actor. A puppet that apparently plans, acts and communicates. The real, final decisions, however, are made in advance in other regions of the brain and are only made available to the ego afterwards.
What happens then is well known: Why did I do this and that and not that? It's my fault, I'm bad. Everybody else is so stupid and mean. I feel so restricted by everyone else. I have to control everything, and when I can't, I get scared.
Love and faith
The little "i" feels completely alone without his personal God, and always wants to be able to reach his loving God, to possess him. But there is no God outside. To remove such a personalised God outside is an absolute necessity in order to live freely and self-determined.
Through incessant prayer, the practice of rituals and the belief in countless dogmas, a god is supposed to be constantly put in a positive mood towards the small, human ego. But forever and ever the search for meaning, love, enlightenment or truth can be made, or people can implore and worship God and relics incessantly, all this will always be in vain. By desiring to know and find God, enlightenment or a universal plan, man obstructs his own path. One cannot change the reflection without changing one's own face. The world is only a reflection and one must stop looking for results in the reflection.
True love is subjective. Romantic love, however, is passion and a greedy, object-oriented love. It is something like a pink rush of greed, because the acquisition or loss of an object (partner, artwork, money) does not affect the inner self in any way. With a clear heart, joy and sorrow are the same. True inner peace and contentment lies in ending the constant ebb and flow of euphoric happiness and deep sadness.
Freedom, happiness and contentment cannot be hoped for in the future, but want to be lived anew every day, because, as we know, life takes place in the here and now. Freedom and happiness are not desirable goal states that can be asked for, but an attitude to life. The actual meaning of life is constantly being forgotten anew, people constantly forget to enjoy life and lose themselves again and again in thinking and planning. Many will only realise on their deathbed that they have only lived a small fraction of their life and have unconsciously let the rest pass, entangled in thoughts and countless fears. The biggest mistake people make is waiting for an imaginary, later time. Redemption is then supposed to come sometime in the mid-60s after the payment of an insurance premium. Freedom and happiness, however, are a lifestyle and not a commodity that can be bought. People's minds have been contaminated with competition, scarcity, enemies, morals and a lot of meaningless stuff.
Free will
Free will describes the feeling of the individual, or his fictitious self, that he has made decisions completely autonomously as a person. However, decisions are made unconsciously and automatically before the actual awareness. The denial of free will is opposed by many people, because free will is essential to the concept of their apparent self-determination. The sheer inexhaustible number of causes of an almost infinitely complex system never changes the fact that all conceivable actions of man are clearly determined. The argument that this knowledge does not bring any advantages, because it creates a feeling of powerlessness and meaninglessness or deep sadness, then seems inevitable:
Because thoughts are an automatic function, they happen without our own intervention.
Every conceivable information is stored in the brain windings, in the neural, biochemical network. Whether through the entire personal life experience, education in school, early childhood conditioning or genetics: every piece of information is firmly anchored at all times. Because no matter how one turns, a decision is once visible in consciousness, it was already decided in the brain seconds in advance without any conscious action. Chains of action are merely accompanied by the thinking ego and this is also delayed in time. Decisions of a living being are determined at any time, because additional experiences or new information can finally only be obtained in retrospect. That is why an individual can make only one possible decision at a time, no matter how much he thinks back and forth.
Free will is a comfortable basic attitude for humans and seems to be useful for problem-solving and achieving potential goals. The ego is always of the firm opinion that there is a person who carries out all thought processes. However, the ego itself is only a thought structure. From the deep conviction that this person actually is, the belief in a free will develops. Without strong faith in this free will, many people would simply not be able to survive. Without their belief in this supposed foundation, they would feel completely uprooted from their own existence. Man defines himself through this belief as an object of an entity.
Determinism and coincidence
If a certain number of variable initial conditions is exceeded, man is completely incapable of making a prediction, but is then immediately referred to external circumstances that are separate from the individual and cannot be controlled. The external world is to blame, the actual reason for one's own lack of understanding cannot be the highly intelligent human being himself. Physical phenomena of the object world are completely determined. Limiting determinacy to exclusively macroscopic systems is simply wrong. Exactly identical experimental trials will always produce exactly identical results. The crux of the matter is that under millions of conditions an exact repetition is never possible. Probability considerations are only secondary interpretations based on an incomplete description.
Mathematical probability is a pitiful attempt to describe this phenomenon. Disinformation about exponential supersets of initial conditions is an inadequacy of the experimenting, limited, human individual, not a flaw of general circumstances and conditions. Probability theory is a computational approximation, a secondary, auxiliary interpretation. Undeniably extremely useful for everyday use, however, probability is only a term for an overall deterministic process that is not fully understood. The essence of macrocosmic and microcosmic reality is a unity that only falls apart in the illusion of man, as can be bedder understood under Evidence. One and the same thing is merely expressed in a different mathematical dialect.
In so-called canonical quantisation, the mathematical substructure of the physical theory is simply changed, while the physical connections remain the same. In classical, mechanical physics, continuous variables and their derivatives play a role, while in quantum mechanics, operators and complex numbers meet. Only the mathematical context is changed.
Limits of Knowledge
All theoretical reasoning always contains within itself as its foundation a latent view of some kind. The fundamental phrase: "derived according to generally valid, physical laws" always refers in itself to unproven, specific basic assumptions. At this point it should be pointed out that there is no such thing as natural constants.
The natural constants so designated will change in the future over immeasurably huge periods of time. Natural constants, as postulated and described by general science, are in fact not constants because there is simply no such thing as something permanently constant in nature. These constant computational variables only describe an approximation or estimate that is sufficient for today's calculations.
In the far distant future, however, these constants will change. Knowledge of the relationship and nature of the change in the constant system, i.e. how exactly the different constants will change in relation to each other in the future, could bring new scientific knowledge to light. But this is almost impossible, because verifiable changes in the natural constants may only be measurable in billions of years, by which time humanity will have long ceased to exist.
I am for religiosity, but not for religions. True religion can only be one, like science. There is no such thing as Mohammedan physics, Hindu physics, Christian physics! That would be sheer nonsense. But that is exactly what the organised religions have managed to do: they have turned the world into a madhouse.
I move. Space comes into being. (as a result of my movement). Time is born (as a measure of my movement in space). I have objects (because I have become the subject of space and time). Dualism comes into being. The universe appears. I identify with my objects (and illusory egos emerge). I suffer illusorily (and suffering becomes universal).
Terence J. S. Gray
I hold still. Space disappears (for I have ceased to move). Time ends (for there is no more movement to measure). There are no more objects (for I am no longer a subject). Dualism no longer exists. The universe disappears. There are no illusory egos. There is no suffering. I am, but there is no "me".