
of unconscious life on mankind and society

Conceptual thinking

Consciousness is formed by language, because without linguistically named objects and mental symbol assignment no consciousness exists. Evolutionary man constructed first concepts by relations of symbolic objects to each other. The complexity of the ideas increased continuously and further embellished concepts like social groups or ideologies developed. Here one defines arbitrarily herds, which one sets against other groups in contrast or even conflict. Racism, nationalism, feminism, vegetarianism, everything is based from the principle on an unconscious destructive generation of opposition.

Man indispensably creates concepts related to his own kind. Even spiritual concepts he reduces almost exclusively to humanized objects. Every human being always has a latent, narcissistic basic attitude because of the innate survival instinct. Not least because of this, a mental God is also almost always a person or a personal object.

The eternal continued existence of BEING is always treated only in relation to the human soul or the human existence. The obvious original principle in itself is not recognized, but everything is considered only on an alleged somehow activity of a human-like God and always only related to mankind itself.


The individual human being rarely feels addressed in a group, then only others are always responsible. Societies are composed of a multitude of innumerable groups and are often delimited on a regional or national level. The society of a regular state consists of innumerable social, artistic, political and cultural interest groups. German or Dutch are designations of order units, just like seniors, severely disabled or pigeon fanciers. How, on the basis of a group designation, egomaniacs such as extremists or nationalists can grow up, is beyond the understanding of any normal thinking person. The most destructive form of mass delusion is nationalistic entanglement.

Man is indeed firmly convinced that he is English, German or Italian. However, nations or countries are organizational structures, not traits or attributes.

Perceived group membership is man's identification with a concept inherent in the group. Experiments have shown that out of the simple feeling of belonging together, the members of a group already unconsciously assign negative meanings to all non-members in advance. This even goes so far that the members of a group think that all non-members could even be punished. The demarcation of the own group partners to all other non-members is always destructive and unconscious. In extreme cases, dehumanization of all non-members can even be achieved by deliberate manipulation of the members.

Extremists of all stripes are growing up everywhere because symmetrical collusion within groups has radically shifted in recent years and many people do not understand basic group dynamics.


Overpopulation is an obvious major cause of many human kind problems, yet open discussion of it is taboo. By moralizing the issue, discussion about it is not given an opportunity. It is morally and ethically frowned upon to criticize humanity in its entirety and critics are punished with contempt.

After the Second World War, the increase of the world population has changed from a linear to an exponential growth. This is the inevitable consequence of technological progress in science and technology. Through surgical interventions, hygiene, industrial agriculture and other achievements, the growth of the earth's population has been drastically accelerated. From the late Middle Ages until the middle of the 20th century, the growth of the world population was still moderate, but thereafter it rose to unimagined heights.

On the basis of expansion compulsions, innate curiosity and libidinous instincts man will finally decimate himself agonizingly slowly. Man has reshaped and conterminated the earth in a few centuries more than erosion, volcanism and continental plate tectonics could accomplish during millions and millions of years. Humans never question themselves and are in their billionfold superiority something like a huge natural catastrophe themselves.

Attachment to ideas

Humans always hold political, ideological, or truth-related beliefs. Even principles of causality or legal facts are merely mental concepts. This is the real dilemma of humanity. Because people or groups are firmly convinced that their opinion, "truth" or supposed "reality" is the only true one. Fear, greed, craving for recognition, aimless herd instinct, destructive group dynamics - and not least the huge number of narcissistic egomaniacs within unconscious societies - cause the human world to plunge into total chaos again and again. Unconscious identification is a significant problem for human civilisation. Identification occurs when an individual completely fuses with an idea or concept. This deep conviction of being a puppet controlled by the idea is often unrecognised. It is important to recognise and address this issue. The ability to step out of the current thought process, to view something neutrally from a "bird's eye view", is unfortunately not possible for many people.

True poverty

People want to grow inwardly by winning outwardly. But why take the inefficient diversions via external success when the direct path to happiness is already available inside? As is so often the case, the inner state is made dependent on a thing or state "outside". Only when the thing or state outside prevails is the inner felt happiness activated.

Something is activated that is always present after all, for how else could it be activated inside? Something already present should be activated without preconditions, that would certainly be more purposeful.

People who strive for external success, whether it is wealth, a board position, a gold medal or honours, are actually striving for inner success, only they are often not aware of it. Humans like to brag, shine or be envied and only for the sake of feeling good about it. By far the largest part of humanity is conditioned in such a way that a trigger from outside is needed to feel very short-lived feelings of happiness. But this relation or dependence is exactly what is called true poverty.


People push themselves towards the light, not in order to see better, but in order to shine better.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Truth or Reality

Truth can only be traced back to the naked causal principle. Every conceived truth is always only one of an unspeakable number of individual realities.

Map and landscape

Every conceivable description is only a description of the content in the observer's own brain. It is only a map that is created and perceived in the mind, but man has never seen the actual landscape.