This website is private

This website can be used without providing any personal data and cookies are not used. There is also no affiliate content or advertising and nothing will ever be passed on to third parties. Data that is absolutely necessary for technical operation is processed anonymously and in accordance with legal regulations, and is completely deleted as soon as it is no longer required for its intended purpose and there are no legal retention obligations to the contrary.

The website provider automatically collects and stores data in server log files that are transmitted to us by your browser. This data includes

- Browser type/browser version

- Operating system of the computer

- Referrer URL

- Host name of the accessing computer

- Time of the server enquiry

This data is not personalised and is not merged with other data sources. If we become aware of specific indications of unlawful use, we reserve the right to check this data retrospectively. IP addresses are not considered personal data as it is possible that someone other than the user is using the device. It could also be a computer controlled by a bot or a virus. Proving this unequivocally and credibly is impossible. IP addresses are considered data of internet service providers. Temporary and anonymised storage of technically necessary data is required for the Internet to function. If you do not consent to this, you must leave this site immediately.
If you have any further questions on this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us. Data transmission and the publication of e-mail addresses on websites have security vulnerabilities. However, you can still contact us via the generic addresses according to RFC-2142 or RFC-2068.