Consciousness of the human mind

Any language requires countless objects that are linked together to create meaning and causality. These objects and their relations to each other form any consciousness in the first place. Without language and the necessary objects there is no reflected consciousness. Absolute reality cannot be grasped with words or language. Such an absolute reality cannot exist, because every person creates his personal reality in his own brain. If at least 2 or more of such consciousnesses agree on it, that a certain reality exists, this is accepted as consensus. But other groups or people would perhaps not be able to agree to this. This concept of "reality" may work for some simple things like single objects or the like, but not for complex concepts like large sets of objects, their interrelationships, or any ideas. This can be taken to an extreme with complicated human concepts such as ideologies. An absolute language or understanding is never possible with the limited mind, but this fact is not grasped by 98% of the earth's population. But that is of no consequence, for that is exactly what is to happen at this time.

The epistemological term Noumenon is originally the transcendent, all-encompassing visible and invisible. This means everything imaginable spiritual, all material objects and also nothingness. It is therefore a singularity from which the theological trinity emerges. In Zen it is called silence, in the Indian Advaita Vedanta it is called nonduality and in buddhism the nirvana. Noumenon appears in the world as subject and object. It is important to note that all appearances (mind, objects, thoughts, ideas), i.e. all conceivable ideas and all material objects (the so-called phenomenal), are already metaphysically contained in Noumenon. These are only linguistic concepts, virtually constructed objects of the human brain. Everything emanates from Noumenon, and at the same time Noumenon is transcendently always contained in everything. Noumenon, The Thing In Itself, has been given innumerable spiritual names over the millennia. From the transcendence of Noumenon and its unfolding as a primordial principle, clear aphorisms arise:

Pure Being can never have arisen, because arising as a process already presupposes something like Being.

Being, spirit or Noumenon is immovable, absolute, omnipresent and eternal. Even spirit or "mind" are only other object identifiers (names). The great downfall of the human race is the idea that you are nothing more than a body or your own thoughts. Any identification with an object (including concepts such as "reality") is an illusion. The core of every being is without object quality. Noumenon or spirit is outside of time and not bound by a causal connection. Something that is not be present to space-time. Everything that appears in human space-time is only phenomenal. The only words that could even refer to noumenon (some also call it God) are here, now and being, but only in the context of total abstraction. Two human eyes look at an imaginary, two-dimensional drawing from the spatial, third dimension.

But spirit is looking down on the four-dimensional space-time from a higher dimension above it.

A subject has no conceptual existence separate from an object. Subject and object, positive and negative are only imaginable with the human brain, because in the state of "That there and I am is something or someone" it splits everything into an imagined subject and object. Up cannot be without down, and negative does not exist without positive. Therefore, they can only be two halves of a whole. Two purely conceptual aspects of a whole, which is not imaginable as a whole for the human brain.

It is therefore inconceivable, because this conceptual idea is exactly what is looking for itself

Everyone and everything is the universe. I am the universe? No, the universe is me. Is God the universe? No, the universe is God. God and universe are just two objects created virtually by a human brain. "To be" means to stop looking at the virtual objects of a human brain as independent entities, precisely after something supposedly other than the imagined component of itself. Everything and everyone is pure Being without subject or object. Spirit or mind is impersonal and never a thing. It is that which seeks itself, but it cannot find itself because it is that which seeks. That which looks is like the eye of a camera, but that eye can never see itself. In the absence of this simple insight, even Kant and Schopenhauer repeatedly lost themselves in circular reasoning and error. The universe is incomprehensible because it is what we are. The meaning of life is freely definable, as anybody like it. There is nothing but the thing in itself. In fact, every one is lonelier than one can ever imagine. However, to be fully immersed in this emptiness and apparent hopelessness creates absolute freedom.

The universe generates creation and this only in order to be able to perceive itself. Reflection (mirror image) and mirror are created tools, created by the universe to view virtual images of itself, in an infinite, eternal regress. Without separation, the cosmos cannot experience itself. God is solitary and creates himself. Infinity and eternity are synonyms. Eternity is what we were before we were born and will be again after we die. But this description is only a view of the time-dependent mind. Language and mind will never be able to describe noumenon. How unspeakably ludicrous is it to believe, that a human was not "here" for 13.8 billion years, and after that to be born as existence, only to be "gone" again after a paltry time, of perhaps 80 years of life? And then, finally be away for 600 trillion x 50 trillion years -or forever- again? Only the human mind can come up with such an absurd idea.

There are two kinds of people: Some dismiss it as nonsense, while others cannot attain the intuitive understanding and continue to search. Those who have not yet gained access can grasp further finger points to it. Under the item Impact you will find some such finger pointers that spring from the unconsciousness of humanity. Those who prefer the cognitive approach can find a few things under the item Evidence. Under Knowledge you will find hints of some of the great misconceptions of humanity.

Ultimately, however, the following always applies: A belief, of whatever kind, is never sufficient, because the decisive component is missing: Experiences cannot be believed, experiences can only be made or happen to someone, because it is already written in the ancient Indian Upanisads:

The Atman can be attained neither by teaching nor by the intellect nor by much knowledge. It can only be attained by the one whom it himself chooses.

The true secret

Something that is open to everyone, but only a few recognise it, and most do not.



Political, ethical and social ideas are fantasies, pretences, comparable to the children's game: "Let's pretend ...". Dogmas, whether religious, political or moral, are ipso facto untrue. Actual truth cannot be put into words, and relative truth cannot be communicated in a dogmatic way. Yet we confuse dogma with truth.

Terence J. S. Gray

Chandogya Upanishad

In peace he worships It
as that from which he comes,
as that in which he will dissolve,
as that in which he breathes.

800 BC

Dreams of security

Security and immutability are dreams of the ego-dominated mind. They do not occur in nature. Accepting uncertainty and surrendering to the unknown creates a relaxing faith in the universe.

S. W. Holmes